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May 1 2014 4 01 /05 /May /2014 15:41

Harry Potter


Harry Potter is a series of seven novels written by J. K. Rowling. The novels are called: “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone”; “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”; “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”; “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”; “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”; “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. 

It is the story of Harry Potter. His parents died, killed by Voldemort, “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named”.  Harry is very famous in the wizard world because when he was a baby, “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” tried to kill him and disappeared. Harry was the first who survived at a Voldemort attack but he kept lightning-shaped scar. He was adopted by his aunt and uncle, the Dursley. They have a son, Dudley, who is the “favourite small babe” of his parents. The Dursley are really bad with Harry until a letter arrived. It is a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry discovers he is a wizard and also discovers his parents didn’t die in a car accident. He goes to Hogwarts, learns magic, discovers Quidditch, and flies in broomstick…  He meets Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, who become his best friends. He loves the director of Hogwarts, Dumbledore, a powerful wizard. He also meets some bad people, like Draco Malfoy…

In his first year in Hogwarts, he stops a professor who wants to help Voldemort using the philosopher’s stone.

In his second year, he destroys an enormous snake, the Basilik.

In his third year in Hogwarts, he becomes friend with a prisoner, who fled from Azkaban.

In his fourth year, he participles to a kind of competition…and he wins.

In his fifth year, he institutes a “club”, the Order of the Phoenix, to resist to Voldemort, who is back.

In his sixth year in Hogwarts, Dumbledore is killed by Professor Snape. We don’t know in which side Professor Snape is.

In his last year in Hogwarts, Harry kills Voldemort…

Harry Potter is a really good book. I read it many times in French, and I start to read it in English. It is one of my favourite books. Harry Potter also exists in film. I think the book is better but the film is good too.


Written by Lilou, French pupil

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April 30 2014 3 30 /04 /April /2014 10:07

The construction of the viaduct began in October 2001 and ended in December 2004. The viaduct is the highest bridge in Europe. A highway passes over the bridge and connects the "Causse Rouge" and the "Causse du Larzac". The bridge passes over the Tarn. It is 270 meters long. Every year the runners of the 100km of Millau run under the Viaduct.


1859163354 viaduc de millau-8

Written by Adeline, French pupil

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April 29 2014 2 29 /04 /April /2014 15:04

 Michaël phelps

Michaël Phelps is the best swimmer in the world.He was born the 30th June of 1985.He is Americain.His coach name is Bob Bowman.

        His adolescence:

Michaël Phelps grows in Towson in Maryland.His father, Fred is a policeman and his mother Debbie is a teacher. He has got two sisters.

At 7 years old, he starts to swim. He is very mature for his age. And at 15 years old, he breaks the world record on 200m butterfly...

           His career:

In 2000, he goes to the olympiques games in Sydney and he becomes the youngest swimmer in the world to break a world record. In Sydney he doesn't win medals, but after this he always continues to work hard. In 2004 he goes to the olympiques games too in Athens. He wants to break the medals record to possess Mark Spitz (7 golds medals). He fails, but he wins 6 golds medals. In 2005 while the world championship in Montréal he wins a gold medal on 200m freestyle...

2 years ago, in 2007 at Melbourne, he wins 7 golds medals and breaks 5 world records. It's in 2008that Michaël Phelps wins 8 golds medals and he breaks the Mark Spitz 's record.

He continues to wins a lot of medals until he takes his retirement at the end of the London's olympiques games in 2012. But he declared there is 1 week ago that he starts again the competition...

I choose this swimmer because he isn't a simple swimmer he practises golf and England is a country where there are a lot of golf links...

For emples: Flamborough Head Golf Club...


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April 29 2014 2 29 /04 /April /2014 13:45

Les natural games sont un festival de sport de pleine nature et de music.Chaque année depuis environ 3 ans les naturals games se déroulent sur le stade de la maladrerie à Millau en Aveyron.Les différents sports que l'on peut y trouver sont:le dirt,la slyckline,le parapente,la waterline,la hiline,la jumpline,l'escalade,du kayak,du dragonboat.Mais il ne faut pas oublier que les personnes qui font ces activités sont en train de faire une compétition et chaque soir,il y a le classement de chaques personnes qui est annoncé.Il y aussi un programme qui nous permet de savoir à quelle heure sont les compétitions de chaques sports.Les naturals games proposent aussi des activités comme une petite slyckline,un petit parcours de bosses pour les vélos et un mur d'escalde.Maintenant en ce qui concerne les activités musicales on ne peut pas dire grand choses a part que beucoup de chanteurs viennent chaques soirs pour chanter très tard dans la nuit vers 23h et 00h,mais après pour les tardifs,des DJ continuent la soirée vers les 3h,4h du matin.Les naturals games sont un festival qui chaques années,réchauffent le coeur des gens et permet aux gens de se rencontrer.

Rédigé par Hugo, élève français

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April 29 2014 2 29 /04 /April /2014 10:31

The Hunger Games trilogy is a series of science fiction books by Suzanne Collins. The first book is "The Hunger Games", the second book is "Catching fire" and the third book is "Mockingjay". This is the story of Katniss Everdeen's life. She lives in Panem. Panem is a country where there are 12 districts and the Capitole.The Capitole is a rich and technologically advanced city located in the Rocky Mountains.The 12 districts are poor. Katniss Everdeen, lives in District 12, the poorest region of Panem, located in Appalachia. Every year, there are the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are a televised event. Every district must to "give" one girl and one boy who is forced to fight to the death in a dangerous arena. There are called "tribute". The winner tribute becomes rich. THE HUNGER GAMES Katniss Everdeen is voluntary for the 74th Hunger Games in place of her younger sister Primrose Everdeen. The male tribute in the district 12 is Peeta Mellark. Katniss arrives in the Capitole. She is interviewed and she tells her life in the district 12. But, in the same interview, Peeta confesses his love for Katniss. Now, everyone in the Capitole call them "star-crossed lovers." Peeta did that in order to gain a lot of sponsors who can gift them supplies during the Games. The Hunger Games starts. Katniss develops an alliance with Rue for the district 11. But Rue is killed by a tribute. After that, there is a rule which change, both tributes from the same district can be declared victors if they are the final two standing. After learning about the change, Katniss meet Peeta. When all of the other tributes are dead, they win the Games together but the rule changed is revoked. Katniss and Peeta wants to suicide themselves in eating poisonous berries. They hope that the rule will be reinstated and that they will both be victorious. Their ruse is successful, and Katniss and Peeta are the winners of the Hungers Games. It was the story of the Hunger Games book. Maybe, you'll want to read the others...But if you dislike reading, there are the movies. ;)

Written by Maëlle, French pupil

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April 29 2014 2 29 /04 /April /2014 08:11

Vous devez avant le départ aller à la banque afin de faire changer des Euros en Livres Sterling. L'équivalent de 50€ devrait suffire.

Pour convertir les Euros en Livres Sterling, cliquez sur l'image. Saisissez ensuite le montant en Euros à convertir en GBP (United Kingdom Pound).


Et voici un petit exercice en ligne pour s'entraîner avec les Livres Sterlings...


Miss BGa

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April 28 2014 1 28 /04 /April /2014 21:58

All the French students are getting ready to come to Brid and are looking forward to meeting you!! 



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April 26 2014 6 26 /04 /April /2014 18:42

Le séjour à Bridlington approche à grands pas! 


Rendez-vous lundi 12 mai devant Paul Tort à 10h45



Voici un petit rappel des affaires à prendre...

Ne pas oublier (à avoir dans les mains pour monter dans le car, pas dans la valise):

La carte d'identité / le passeport 

La carte européenne d'assurance maladie

Le cahier de brouillon / carnet de notes


Prévoir dans un sac plastique un pique-nique ainsi qu’une petite bouteille d’eau. Nous mangerons à l'aéroport (tout doit être jetable). Mettre dans le sac à dos un sandwich pour la pause que nous ferons en route. ATTENTION: pas de bouteille d'eau dans la valise.


La valise doit mesurer 55 cm * 20 cm * 40 cm et peser 10 kgs maximum!!

Votre sac à dos doit être dans la valise. Les flacons et autres gels devront être dans un sac zippé sur le dessus de la valise. ATTENTION: Pas de flacons dont la contenance est supérieure 100 ml.

Pensez à prévoir les chargeurs, piles des appareils photos et autres ainsi qu'un adaptateur pour les prises britanniques.


Prévoir une trousse basique avec du matériel pour écrire. PAS de ciseaux, cutter, ...

• Les cadeaux pour votre correspondant et sa famille.

Et aussi…

Emportez votre carnet d’adresses car vos proches apprécieront de recevoir une carte postale.

Emportez vos traitements médicaux avec ordonnance et des médicaments pour maux de tête/transports/ventre... 


Mme BGa

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January 1 2014 3 01 /01 /January /2014 19:04

  DSC_0048-copy-2.JPGCliquez sur la photo pour voir la vidéo ;-)


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December 20 2013 5 20 /12 /December /2013 17:43

Nous vous souhaitons à tous

de bonnes vacances et

de joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année.




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Où est Bridlington?


Bridlington est au bord de la mer, située sur la côte est de l’Angleterre. Bridlington est une ville sympa avec quelques belles maisons. Nous avons une plage, une super piscine, pittoresque églises et quelques restaurants géniaux. Dans le nord est Sewerby (une petite ville) avec un zoo. Il y a beaucoup des collèges, un hôpital, un poste de police…Bridlington est le meilleur.


Article publié par Ellis, élève anglais

Where is Millau?



Millau is a city in the south of France.
It's in Aveyron in Midi-Pyrénnées and it's 120 km from the sea.
In Millau there are two rivers, their names are the Tarn and the Dourbie.
There is also the highest bridge in the world.
In the city there are a cinema, a theatre, some restaurants, lots of Sports Clubs.
There are also three parks and the landscape is very green !!


Article sent by Mona et Lorène, French pupils